
Mobile App Name Generator

Let's face it; if your app name doesn't stand out, you could be losing out on a lot of business. A good name can make or break your app. But how do you come up with an app name that is creative, unique, catchy, and, most importantly, memorable?

That's where BrandSnag's App Name Generator comes in! Just add a few keywords and watch the magic happen. It's that simple. And best of all, it's free! So what are you waiting for? Give it a try now.

Name idea

How to Name Your Mobile App

It's all in the name, or so they say. But do the actual data and studies say the same about naming a mobile app? Let's take a look.

  • In today's digital age, developing a strong bond with your smartphone is not uncommon. In fact, data suggests the average person spends nearly four hours on their phone each day.
  • To put things into perspective, US consumers spend more time on their smartphones than they do watching TV. In fact, 89% of that time is spent on mobile apps.
  • A study by App Annie showed that brandable names have an edge in the app store. In fact, the research shows that "branded" app names are almost 10% more likely to rank in the top 10 for their category than keyword-based or generic names.
  • Consumers' demands are continuously evolving with the advancement of mobile apps. A good first impression is critical for a first-time visitor. Based on a poor app experience, the research found that 48% of users make fast judgments about the company's overall trustworthiness.
    Mobile apps are not going anywhere; they are only going to become more and more popular. Therefore, it is important to have an app name that is creative, unique, and catches the eye.

12 Steps for Coming Up with a Good App Name

So, how do you come up with a good name for your mobile app? Let's jump in!

Brainstorm Your Name Ideas

When it comes to coming up with a good app name, brainstorming is key. Don't worry if the first few ideas that come to mind seem too obvious or cliche- sometimes the best names are the simplest ones. Once you have a few ideas, try playing around with them to see what sounds the best.

Sometimes, adding a simple prefix or suffix can make all the difference. Another trick is to try different spellings or word order- for example, reversing the name can give it a whole new meaning. And if all else fails, you can always consult a thesaurus for inspiration. With a little creativity, you're sure to come up with a great app name in no time!

Gather Data on Your Existing Competitors

In a crowded app marketplace, it's more important than ever to make sure your app stands out from the competition. So how can you make sure you choose the right name? One way is to gather data and analyze your competitors. What names are they using? What do users seem to respond to? Then, once you understand the landscape well, you can start to narrow down your options and choose a name that will help your app stand out from the rest.

Understand Your Audience

The best app names are memorable, unique, and relevant to the app's target audience. They also reflect the app's purpose and have a positive connotation. Brainstorming with a team of people who understand your target audience is a good way to generate ideas.

Once you have a list of potential names, test them out by conducting user research or A/B testing. Ultimately, the goal is to choose a name that will help your app stand out from the crowd and resonate with its intended audience.

Understand Different Name Types

It's important to understand the different types of names that are out there.

  • Descriptive names, as the name implies, describe what an app does or its function. This can include things like acronyms, initials, founder names, and geographical names.
  • On the other hand, invented names are completely made-up and don't have any real meaning behind them. These might come from foreign languages or be completely fabricated.
  • Experiential names describe the experience of using an app. They show what people can expect when they use the app and how it will make them feel.
  • Lastly, evocative names represent the mobile app brand and its values. These are usually more abstract and can be open to interpretation.

Knowing the different types of names can help you choose the right one for your app.

Don't Limit Your App Name

When you're coming up with a name for your app, it's important not to limit yourself. The name of your app should be reflective of its purpose and functionality, but it shouldn't be so specific that it pigeonholes your app into one particular area.

For example, if you have a productivity app, you might be tempted to call it something like "Productivity App" or "To-Do List App." However, these names are too generic and don't really give users an idea of what your app does. So instead, try to come up with a name that is both descriptive and creative.

Something like "Effortless Productivity" would work well. Remember, the goal is to create a name that will catch people's attention and make them want to download your app. So don't be afraid to think outside the box!

Shortlist Your App Name Ideas

Once you've brainstormed a list of potential names, it's time to start narrowing things down. The first step is to remove any names that are too similar to existing apps or brands. You also want to avoid anything that could be trademarked or copyrighted.

After you've removed the obvious no-gos, it's time to start evaluating the remaining names. Try to imagine how each one would look as a logo or on a marketing campaign. Which ones are easy to remember and pronounce? Which ones convey the right message for your app?

Then, take your top picks and run them by a group of people who are familiar with your app. Ask for their honest feedback and see which ones they respond to the most.

Get Some Feedback or Conduct a Survey

When you've narrowed your options to a few final candidates, it's time to get feedback from potential users. One way to do this is to conduct a survey.

Another option is to run a user testing session. This involves showing people your app name and asking them what they think it is about. Again, this can be a great way to get some insight into how people perceive your app.

Your App Name Should Be Available as a Domain Name

Having your app name as a domain name will make it easier for people to find your website and learn more about your app. It will also make it easier for people to remember your app when they're looking for it later. So if you're still in the process of choosing a name for your app, be sure to check availability as a domain name before you commit. It could make all the difference in the success of your app.

Your App Name Should Be Available on Social Platforms

Being discoverable on social media is another important factor in the success of your app. So when you're choosing a name, be sure to check that it's available on all the major social platforms. This includes Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

If your app name is already taken on these platforms, you might want to consider changing it. Otherwise, you could have a hard time getting people to find and follow you.

Invest in Branding

When you think of branding, what comes to mind? For many people, the term conjures up images of big companies with well-recognized logos. But branding is not just for big businesses. In fact, it is just as important for small businesses and startups, especially in the app development industry. There are a number of reasons why branding is important for your app.

  • First, it helps to create awareness. A strong brand will make your app more visible in a crowded market.
  • Second, it builds trust. Consumers are more likely to use an app they perceive as trustworthy and reliable.
  • Third, it Differentiates your app from the competition. In a marketplace with hundreds of thousands of apps, it is vital to have a brand that sets you apart from the rest.

Investing in branding will help you to achieve all of these goals and more. So if you're serious about making your app a success, don't forget the power of branding.

Develop Your Brand

There are many ways to develop your brand for your app. branding can be developed through marketing, design, and even the app's user interface.

One way to develop your brand is through marketing. You can use various marketing channels to reach your target audience and promote your app. You can use online advertising, social media, and even traditional offline channels like print and television.

Another way to develop your brand is through design. The look and feel of your app should be consistent with your brand image. This includes the color scheme, logo, icons, and even the layout of the app.

Finally, you can also develop your brand through the app's user interface. This includes how users interact with the app and their overall experience while using it. Make sure that the user interface is intuitive and easy to use. It should also be consistent with the other elements of your brand.

Keep Looking for Inspiration

Never limit yourself to just one source of inspiration. The more ideas you have, the better chance you have of coming up with a great app name. So keep your mind open and continue to look for inspiration from all around you. Check out the names of other apps in your niche. See what they're doing right and wrong, and use that information to help you create a better name for your app.

You can also look to other industries for inspiration. See what names they're using and see if you can adapt them for your own purposes.

Should You Name Your App Before or After Developing it?

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This is a common question among app developers. However, there are pros and cons to both approaches.

Pros of Naming Your App Before Development

  • Allows you to focus on developing a great product
  • Can help you attract investors
  • Can create buzz and generate interest in your app

Cons of Naming Your App Before Development

  • You might have to change the name later if it's already taken
  • You could end up with a name that doesn't fit your app

Pros of Naming Your App After Development

  • Allows you to focus on developing a great product
  • Can help you attract investors
  • You can test different names with your target audience to see what they like best.

Cons of Naming Your App After Development

  • You might have a hard time coming up with a name that fits your app.
  • Your app could be lost in the sea of other apps without a strong name to help it stand out.
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Should You Trademark Your App Name?

A trademark is a legal protection that you can use to protect your app's name from being used by other companies. It is a way to ensure that no one else can use your name without your permission. This can be important for protecting your brand image and preventing others from stealing your hard work

When you trademark your app's name, you essentially register it with the government. This gives you exclusive rights to use that name in connection with your app. Anyone who tries to use it without your permission can be sued for trademark infringement.

It's important to note that trademark protection is not automatic. You need to file a formal application with the government and meet certain requirements in order to receive trademark protection. It's also important to keep track of any changes that occur in the marketplace, as these could affect your trademark protection.

The Different Types of Trademark

A trademark is a word, symbol, or design that identifies and distinguishes your company's goods from those made by others. Product trademarks fall into five categories: generic mark, descriptive mark, suggestive mark, fanciful mark, and arbitrary symbol.

Generic Mark

A generic mark is a word or phrase describing a product type rather than a specific brand. For example, "computer" is a generic mark for computers, and "coffee" is a generic mark for coffee.

Descriptive Mark

A descriptive mark is a word or phrase that describes a product's ingredient, feature, function, or quality. For example, "Intel Inside" is a descriptive mark for computers that contain Intel processors.

Suggestive Mark

A suggestive mark is a word or phrase that suggests, rather than describes, a quality or characteristic of a product. For example, "Tasty Treats" is a suggestive mark for a line of dog treats.

Fanciful Mark

A fanciful mark is a made-up word or phrase that has no connection to the goods it represents. For example, "Kodak" is a fanciful mark for cameras and film.

Arbitrary Symbol

An arbitrary symbol is a common word or phrase that has no connection to the goods it represents. For example, "Apple" is an arbitrary symbol for computers.

When Should You Trademark Your App Name?

There are two main reasons to trademark your app's name: to protect your brand and to prevent others from using your name without your permission.

If you don't trademark your app's name, anyone could start using it without your consent. This could lead to confusion in the marketplace and damage your reputation. It could also make it difficult for you to enforce your rights if someone does infringe on your trademark.

Trademarking your app's name can also be important for attracting investors and partners. A strong trademark can help you build a recognizable brand that people will trust. This can make it easier to get funding and find strategic partnerships.

How to Trademark Your App Name

  • The first step in trademarking your app's name is to choose a mark that is eligible for protection.
  • The mark must be distinctive and not descriptive of the goods or services it represents to be eligible.
  • Once you have chosen a mark, you need to file a formal application with the government. The application must include a description of the mark and what goods or services it will be used for. - You will also need to pay a filing fee.
  • After you have filed your application, the government will review it to make sure it meets all the requirements. If it does, they will issue a certificate of registration. This will give you exclusive rights to use the trademarked app name.

Enforcing Your Trademark Rights

If someone infringes on your trademark, you can take legal action to stop them.

  • To do this, you will need to show that you have a valid trademark and that the infringing party is using it without your permission.
  • You can also send a cease and desist letter to an infringing party. This is a formal request for them to stop using your trademark. If they don't comply, you can take them to court.

Taking legal action can be costly and time-consuming. It's often best to avoid infringement in the first place by registering your trademark. This will give you the exclusive right to use your app's name and make enforcing your rights easier if someone violates them.

The process of trademarking your app's name can be complex. But it's important to protect your brand and prevent others from using your name without your permission. By taking the time to file a formal application, you can ensure that you have the exclusive right to use your app's name and build a strong, recognizable brand.

Examples of Great App Names

Inspiring yourself for a great app name is key to helping you decide on a name. Here are a few examples of brands and businesses that have done the naming process right.


Tinder is a dating app that has taken the world by storm. In just a few short years, it has become one of the most popular ways to meet new people. One of the things that makes Tinder so special is its name. When you hear the word "Tinder," you probably think of something that lights a fire. And that's exactly what Tinder does - it ignites a spark between two people who are looking for love. But there's more to Tinder than just its clever name.

The app's branding is also a key part of its success. The company has used bright colors and playful fonts to create an eye-catching logo that perfectly embodies the fun and excitement of online dating. Tinder's branding is just one more example of how important a good name and logo can be for a business. By creating a unique brand identity, Tinder has set itself apart from the competition and established itself as a true powerhouse in the online dating space.


There's no question that Square is one of the most innovative companies in the payments space. One of the key factors in their success has been their willingness to experiment with new ideas, and that includes their branding. While some may see the name "Square" as a simple moniker for a company that helps businesses accept credit card payments, there's actually a lot more to it. For one thing, the name is a play on the company's original product; a small square-shaped device plugged into a mobile phone.

The name was also intended to convey the idea that Square was a different kind of payments company that was more nimble and customer-friendly than its entrenched competitors. And while the company has since expanded beyond its original product, the square icon remains an important part of its brand identity. All of this goes to show that there's more to a brand than just a name.

A truly successful brand is one that conveys meaning and evokes emotion, and Square has definitely accomplished that with its branding.


Airbnb's app name is one that stands out for a number of reasons. Not only is it easy to remember and pronounce, but it also has a strong association with the brand. The word "air" conjures up images of travel and adventure, while the "bnb" suffix gives a sense of home away from home. This creates a powerful branding message that resonates with Airbnb's target audience. In addition, the app's name is highly searchable, making it more likely to be found by potential users.

From a marketing perspective, Airbnb's app name is a savvy choice that reflects the company's values and mission. It is an excellent example of how a strong brand can be created through thoughtful naming.


When you hear the word "Venmo," you probably think of the popular mobile payment app. But have you ever wondered how the app got its name? The story behind the Venmo name is actually quite interesting. According to the company, the name is a combination of the words "vendor" and "money." The brand wanted to convey that its app was a convenient way to pay for goods and services.

When it comes to branding, Venmo has definitely done its homework. The name is highly memorable, and the logo is simple yet effective. In addition, the branding reflects the company's youthful and modern image, and this is likely intentional, given that its target market is millennials. And it seems to be working - Venmo is one of the most popular payment apps on the market today.

What can we learn from Venmo's success? First, a catchy and unique name can go a long way in making an app stand out. Second, that simple and effective branding can help to boost downloads and brand recognition. Lastly, targeting a specific demographic can be key to success. All of these lessons can be applied to any business - not just apps - so keep them in mind next time you're looking to create a new brand or product!


Pinterest's app name is simple and to the point: Pinterest. And that's one of the things that makes it so unique and interesting. There are no frills or long, complicated names here. Just a simple, straightforward word that tells you exactly what the app is all about.

And that's precisely what Pinterest is all about: pinning images and ideas that inspire you. The app's colorful and minimalist branding helps to reinforce this message. Everything from the logo to the color scheme is designed to be eye-catching and visually appealing. But more than just being pretty to look at, Pinterest's branding communicates what the app is all about: simplicity, inspiration, and fun.

What can we learn from Pinterest? Well, first of all, a brand doesn't need to be overly complicated or fussy. Sometimes, the simplest approach is the best one. Secondly, even a small detail like an app name can play a big role in shaping perceptions of a brand. And finally, Pinterest is a great example of how effective branding can be used to communicate a clear and compelling message.


Slack is a communication app that has become increasingly popular in recent years, especially in the business world. One of the things that make Slack stand out is its name. Slack's name is unique and catchy, unlike many other apps with generic or descriptive names. It's also easy to remember, which is helpful when people are searching for it in app stores.

In addition to its unique name, Slack has been clever with its branding. Its logo is simple but recognizable, and its website and marketing materials use a clean and modern aesthetic. This branding has helped Slack to stand out in a crowded market, and it's something that other businesses can learn from. When it comes to naming and branding, simplicity and memorability are key.


Uber. It's a simple, one-word name that stands out in a sea of complex app names. And it's not just the name that's simple; the branding is straightforward as well. Uber's logo is a clean, modernist U, and the app interface is uncluttered and easy to use. But beyond its aesthetic appeal, what can we learn from Uber's branding?

For one thing, Uber's branding demonstrates the power of simplicity. A clear and concise message can be hugely impactful in a world where we are bombarded with information. By keeping its name and branding short and sweet, Uber cuts through the noise and gets its message across loud and clear.

Secondly, Uber's branding shows us the importance of being memorable. With so many apps out there vying for attention, it's crucial to have a name and logo that stick in people's minds. And what could be more memorable than a one-word name? By having a name that is both unique and easy to remember, Uber ensures that it will stay top of mind for potential users.

Finally, Uber's branding highlights the importance of being relevant. In order to be successful, businesses need to ensure that their products and services are relevant to their target audience. And with its on-demand transportation services, Uber has identified a need that is particularly relevant to today's consumers. By understanding the needs of its target market and delivering a product that meets those needs, Uber has established itself as a leader in the ride-hailing space.


If you've ever used a ride-sharing app, you're probably familiar with Lyft. And even if you haven't used the app, you've likely seen their distinctive pink mustache logo. But have you ever wondered about the meaning behind the app's name?

Lyft is actually a play on the word "lift." And according to the company, it's meant to represent the idea of lifting people up literally and figuratively. In other words, Lyft is about more than just getting people from one place to another. It's about making people's lives better.

This message is reflected in the company's branding, which is all about positivity and community. And it's something we can all learn from. Too often, businesses focus on greed or competition. But Lyft shows us that it's possible to be successful while also making a positive difference in the world. That's a lesson we could all stand to learn.

100 App Name Ideas

Here are 100 app name ideas to help you get started:

10 Catchy App Name Ideas

  1. ZionOS
  2. MambaDates
  3. Schedule Right
  4. Food Fans
  5. Appy Faces
  6. Splurge
  7. Grabbit
  8. Tapped In
  9. The Social Networker
  10. To-Do Listy

10 Cash App Name Ideas

  1. Piggy Bank
  2. Payday Now
  3. Bills Simplified
  4. Pocket Money
  5. Change Jar
  6. Cash Cow
  7. Greenback
  8. ATM Finder
  9. Paycheck Tracker
  10. Financial Wizard

10 Dating App Name Ideas

  1. Date Night
  2. Dinner and a Movie
  3. Love Connection
  4. Soulmate Search
  5. Perfect Match
  6. Cupid's Arrow
  7. Dating Game
  8. True Love
  9. Happily Ever After
  10. Swipe Right

10 Baby Name App Name Ideas

  1. Name That Baby
  2. Baby Name Maker
  3. Baby Name Finder
  4. Baby Name Generator
  5. Baby Name Game
  6. Baby Name Book
  7. Baby Namer
  8. Baby Name List
  9. Top Baby Names
  10. Unique Baby Names

10 Social Media App Name Ideas

  1. TrustFlow
  2. TheSocial
  3. Socializer
  4. Blabber
  5. Share That Thought
  6. My So-Called Life
  7. Social Media Junkie
  8. Tweet This
  9. Facebook Me
  10. Friends Reunited

10 iPhone App Name Ideas

  1. iFunny
  2. iPic
  3. iCandi
  4. iTag
  5. iPhoneography
  6. iReporters
  7. Appy Faces
  8. Snap This!
  9. March Madness
  10. App Attack!

10 AI App Name Ideas

  1. DeeperMind
  2. World of AI
  3. JoomAI
  4. Infinia ML
  5. TensorFlow
  6. Rainbird
  7. Vital AI
  8. X.AI
  9. Premonition
  10. Ayasdi

10 Tattoo App Name Ideas

  1. TatsAbout
  2. Tattoo You!
  3. Body Art
  4. Inked
  5. Under the Gun
  6. Needles and Pins
  7. Stencils and Ink
  8. The Art of Tattoos
  9. Permanent Makeup
  10. Express Yourself

10 Cool App Name Ideas

  1. Hype
  2. Focus Optical
  3. Mpulse
  4. Proximity
  5. Spacebar
  6. Typefinity
  7. The Grid
  8. Vector
  9. CirrusX
  10. Voltagify

10 Facebook App Name Ideas

  1. Facebook Maker
  2. Facebook Stories Bot
  3. Facebook Groups Manager
  4. Facebook Pages Analytics
  5. Facebook Marketplace Filter
  6. Facebook Watch Simplified
  7. Facebook for Businesses Plus
  8. Facebook Ads Training
  9. Facebook Insights Trainer
  10. Facebook at Work

App Name & Mobile App Name Generator FAQs

What is BrandSnag's App Name Generator?

BrandSnag's App Name Generator is a tool that helps you come up with unique and engaging names for your mobile app. Simply enter some keywords related to your app, and our generator will produce a list of name ideas that you can then use to help brand your app.

Is BrandSnag's App Name Generator Free?

Yes, BrandSnag's App Name Generator is completely free to use. We do not require any payment information, and there are no limits on the number of names you can generate.

Is BrandSnag's App Name Generator Secure?

Yes, BrandSnag's App Name Generator is a secure tool. We do not collect or store any personally identifiable information.

Can I Use BrandSnag's App Name Generator for My App?

Yes, you can use BrandSnag's App Name Generator for your business. We do not require you to provide any attribution; you can use the generated names in any way you see fit.

How Many App Names Can I Generate?

There is no limit to the number of app names you can generate. So feel free to generate as many names as you need until you find the perfect one for your app.

How Do I Generate an App Name?

To generate an app name, simply enter some keywords related to your app into our generator. Our algorithm will then generate a list of names based on your keywords. You can then use this list to help brand your app.

I'm Not Satisfied With the Results. What Should I Do?

If you're not satisfied with our generator's results, we recommend you can try again with different keywords.

What is an App?

An app is a software application that is designed to run on a mobile device, such as a smartphone or tablet. Apps are typically used to perform specific tasks, such as ordering food delivery or booking a hotel room.

How Many Apps Are There?

According to Statista, over 3 million apps are available for download on the Google Play Store. This number is expected to grow in the coming years.

What Devices use an App?

Apps are designed to run on mobile devices like smartphones and tablets. However, some apps may also be available for download on desktop and laptop computers.

How Much Does it Cost to Develop an App?

The cost of developing an app depends on a number of factors, such as the type of app, the platform it is being developed for, and the size and complexity of the app. Generally, the cost of developing an app can range from a few thousand dollars to millions of dollars.

Is Having a Good App Name Important?

Yes, having a good app name is important. A good app name can help you stand out from the competition and make it easier for your target audience to find your app.

Can I Trademark my App Name?

Yes, you can trademark your app name. However, it is important to note that the process of trademarking an app name can be complex and expensive. If you are considering trademarking your app name, we recommend you consult with a qualified attorney.

Are App Names Copyrighted or Trademarked?

App names can be both copyrighted and trademarked. Copyright protects the creative expression of an idea, while trademark protects the use of a name or logo in commerce.

What is the Most Popular App in the World?

In 2021, TikTok still managed to be the most downloaded app despite a decrease of 194 million downloads from last year. Meanwhile, Facebook had three apps in the top five spots this year.

Should My Social Media Name Be The Same as My App Name?

Yes, we recommend that your social media name be the same as your app name. This will help you build brand recognition and make it easier for your target audience to find you online.

Should My Domain Name Be The Same as My App Name?

Yes, we suggest your domain and app names be the same. This will aid in the development of brand recognition while also making it simpler for your target audience to find you online.